South West Tofu Scramble


Breakfast food is a tough one for the vegans of the world or egg-phobic vegetarians such as myself.  Everything is eggy or meaty… and usually pretty heavy. After years of going to restaurants and eating sub-par tofu scrambles with extra cumin I decided to try my hand at making a new and improved Tofu Scramble. The result was a delicious, vegetable laden scramble! No more hollandaise or yolks needed!

Tofu Scramble is easy to make! Start with several vegetables, whatever is fresh and in season. I used a yellow onion, kale, tomatoes as well as home grown eggplant and peppers. Get creative and enjoy the process!


1 Cube Organic Firm Tofu

1 Tablespoon Olive Oil

1/2 Tablespoon Coconut oil

1 White or Yellow Onion, thinly sliced

1 Small Chinese eggplant, cubed

1 Sweet Pepper, sliced

1 Yellow Pepper, sliced

1-2 Cups Kale, washed and chopped

1 Cup baby tomatoes, halved

Spices are added to taste- measurements below are estimates

1/2 Teas Smoked paprika

Pinch of Cayenne

1 Teaspoon Chipotle Seasoning

5-6 Sprays of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos

1/2 Teaspoon onion powder

Pinch of Sea Salt

1 Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast

Begin by heating olive oil in skillet, preferably cast iron. Thinly slice onion and peppers, place in pan and begin to sauté. Once the onions and peppers soften, add the eggplant.  Try to keep the vegetables in their own section of the pan, so you can observe and control the cooking process.  Add some coconut oil to the eggplant and a little to the peppers and onions for flavor and to help brown them.


Once eggplant is tender and slightly browned add Kale, cover with lid for 3-5 minutes or until Kale has been slightly steamed. No need to over steam the kale, because it will continue to cook in the scramble.

Mix vegetables together and move to one side of the pan. Add a splash of olive oil to the pan and place halved tomatoes face down. Cook for about 3-5 minutes or until tomatoes are softened. Mix the vegetables together and add a pinch of salt and a spritz of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos.



Drain Tofu and Crumble over vegetables with your hands, breaking up any large clumps.


Before mixing tofu into vegetables, season well. Add Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, Smoked Paprika, Salt, Chiptole Seasoning, and small pinch of Cayenne. Integrate Tofu into vegetables using large spoon or spatula. Cover and let cook on low for 8-10 Minutes. The longer you simmer the tofu with the vegetables the more flavorful the scramble will be. Add nutritional yeast and give the scramble a taste test. Add more Cayenne if you would like it to be spicier, a drizzle of honey can bring out the flavors, but not mandatory. Et Voila, your South West Tofu Scramble is ready to serve!


Serve with Avocado, salsa, Chips or tortillas. Enjoy!
